
Sunday, January 13, 2013

What makes me the saddest

It has been absolutely miserable to lose 3 babies + 2 foster boys, but I think the reason it is so hard right now is because I don't think there will be another and that makes me sad for turner, Torrey, my family and yes even me.

I have been so very thankful for the gift of my miracle boy. Now just to get myself back on track so I can love him like I should. I hate how I am feeling. HATE

Contentment and joy are not always easy places to get to, but I know that God will help me because he loves me even when I struggle with him.

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend that has had 5+ miscarriages and was finally told (at 29), that she cannot have a child of her own. I'm thankful you have your miracle baby, and I hope my friend can have a baby in some other way since they are such an amazing Christian couple. I'm glad you are focusing on wonderful Turner since he is at an important age, develpmentally. You are amazing and you can do this. We love you, Lynette. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I have been depressed and had to go on medication for a short time to get back to myself. You are much better at letting it out than I was, though. Much love and prayers your way.
