I was not sure that this day would come, but it has....we are expecting our Rainbow. We know that it may not come, but still we will trust. Madilyne was to have been our rainbow to Jordan, but our rainbow never made it. That doesn't mean that God is not still a God worth trusting. He is.

If life were always easy, we would NEVER need or want Him. I am not suggesting that we need to only want Him because we are having hard times, but what better way to get us humble and back on our knees than not getting what we want? To suppose that we knew the best thing for our own life is thinking far too highly of ourselves then we ever should think.
I am thankful that I do not understand God fully. I like the mystery of trying to understand Him. It would be so much harder to serve someone that I could understand fully. What a fun day when we stand before Him able to worship Him perfectly and to gain an understanding of the things that we just couldn't before.
Our rainbow baby is due approx Aug 17, but will more than likely come the end of July if the Lord wills it to be so.
Please pray for and with us.
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