Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ornament Swap

Dear Jordan and Madilyne,

I participated in an ornament swap this year on another baby loss site.  I really enjoyed the opportunity to make something for their babies and to also be able to pray for them.

I love how God works out details even.  I connected with both babies for different reasons.  Micah David touched my heart because he shares a name with Turner David.  My heart broke for the mommy that lost her Micah David and I thanked God all the more for my special blessing in Turner.

The other ornament was for a twin.  This little one died on my birthday this year. I will forever think and pray for this mommy when my birthday rolls around, knowing that her heart will break on that day because she isn't holding them in her arms.

I am thankful that both ladies I made ornaments for are Christians.  I pray I will have more opportunities to know them and pray for them.  I know God will use me if I am willing.  I pray that I will be open to moments to be used.

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