Monday, December 17, 2012

14 December 2012

Dear Madilyne,

When you got to heaven, did you see Jordan?  Is Jordan a boy or a girl?  We don't know but just thought she was a girl.

Did you find Grandma Cookie and Grandma Joan there?  Are they hugging you and taking care of you?  Did you find Grandpa Larson and Grandpa Olson?  Are they telling you lots of stories?

Have you met Jonah?  Turner loves the story of Jonah, mostly because he has a friend Jonah and he loves Nemo.  We read it to him or talk about it pretty much every day.

Have you met Esther and Ruth?  Have you met Paul?  Have you heard the Bible read to you by Jesus or did you just know it when you got there?

What does your house look like?  Do you have so many jewels in your crown?  You made such an impact on people in the life you did live, that Daddy and I are certain you have lots of jewels.

Hug Jordan for us.  Tell her we think about her too.  We haven't forgotten her even though it might seem like it.  We didn't get the pleasure of ever feeling her or seeing her face.

We have missed you for the 15 weeks you have been able to be with Jesus.  We will never forget you.

I love you both from earth to heaven,


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