Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Snowman Luminaries

DIY Snowman Milk Jugs Idea

Changed to be Snowman Luminaries

I changed it up a bit from what the above link suggested.  Here is what I did to make my luminaries.

This is a great project to do with your older kiddo if you use a glue gun.  You can try E6000 glue to be able to do it with some younger kids.

Supplies needed for the Luminaries
  1. Milk Jug(s)
  2. Black and various color Pom poms
  3. Red & White Pipe Cleaners
  4. Orange and Black Felt
  5. String of lights
  6. Glue Gun or other glue
  7. Rock(s) if placing outside
Directions for Luminaries
  1. Cut out eyes from black felt
  2. cut out nose from orange felt
  3. Twist one white and red pipe cleaner together
  4. Glue eyes, nose and black pom pom mouth on
  5. Glue the pipe cleaner from one side of the head to the other and place desired pom pom on either side
  6. Cut a hole in the back of the jug to insert a rock and some white lights
  7. put it inside or out for a lovely display

For the original craft from the link above, you will need:

Step 1: From black cardstock, CUT eyes and mouth SHAPES; eyes should be larger than mouth pieces.
Step 2: From orange cardstock, cut triangles for nose.
Step 3: Glue pieces to CLEAN milk jug.
Step 4: Glue chenille stems to both SIDES of milk carton creating an arch above eyes.
Step 5: Glue pom-poms, FEATHERS, jingle bells, etc. on the end of each chenille stem to create earmuffs.

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