DIY Snowman Milk Jugs Idea
I changed it up a bit from what the above link
suggested. Here is what I did to make my
This is a great project to do with your older kiddo if you
use a glue gun. You can try E6000 glue
to be able to do it with some younger kids.
Supplies needed for the Luminaries
- Milk Jug(s)
- Black and various color Pom poms
- Red & White Pipe Cleaners
- Orange and Black Felt
- String of lights
- Glue Gun or other glue
- Rock(s) if placing outside
Directions for Luminaries
- Cut out eyes from black felt
- cut out nose from orange felt
- Twist one white and red pipe cleaner together
- Glue eyes, nose and black pom pom mouth on
- Glue the pipe cleaner from one side of the head to the other and place desired pom pom on either side
- Cut a hole in the back of the jug to insert a rock and some white lights
- put it inside or out for a lovely display
For the original craft from the link above, you will
Step 1: From black cardstock, CUT eyes and mouth SHAPES; eyes should be larger than mouth pieces.
Step 2: From orange cardstock, cut triangles for nose.
Step 3: Glue pieces to CLEAN milk jug.
Step 4: Glue chenille stems to both SIDES of milk carton creating an arch above eyes.
Step 5: Glue pom-poms, FEATHERS, jingle bells, etc. on the end of each chenille stem to create earmuffs.
Step 1: From black cardstock, CUT eyes and mouth SHAPES; eyes should be larger than mouth pieces.
Step 2: From orange cardstock, cut triangles for nose.
Step 3: Glue pieces to CLEAN milk jug.
Step 4: Glue chenille stems to both SIDES of milk carton creating an arch above eyes.
Step 5: Glue pom-poms, FEATHERS, jingle bells, etc. on the end of each chenille stem to create earmuffs.
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