Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ripples Away for the Myers Babies

August is our Ripples away event where we are asking you to spread the love of Jesus to other people by doing something kind and letting your kindness ripple on.  Donate in honor of the Myers Babies (Jordan, Madilyne & Elisha) and send us an email or post in the comments what you did...we would love to know how you share the love.

Things you could donate to us for care packages we are making:
  1. Buy the book "Safe in the Arms of God" by John MacArthur and send them to us so we can use them to give to other families that have to walk the journey of losing their babies
  2. Blankets
  3. Beads (alphabet, blue and pink, elastic cord)
  4. Fancy Paper for Certificate of Life Documents
  5. Beanie Babies
  6. 3d Footprint/handprint kits
  7. gift bags
  8. Flannel fabric
Things you coukd fo for others if you need some ideas:

  1. Donate books to a school in honor of the Myers Babies
  2. Donate children's clothing to Adams County for foster children
  3. Give your time to a nursing home
  4. Help Someone
  5. Do some yarwork
  6. Pay someones, electric, etc
  7. Buy some groceries for someone in need
  8. Take a thank your treat to the firemen and/or policemen
  9. donate food to the food bank
  10. Make a meal for someone
  11. Donate Blood
  12. d Donate Clothing to a shelter
  13. Donate Kids clothing to A precious Child
  14. Send someone an encouraging note
  15. Thank your mail carrier
  16. Make hats to donate to a Cancer center at a hospital
  17. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
  18. Babysit for someone needing a night out
  19. send your sibling a small gift anonymously
  20. anonyously send a friend in need some cash
  21. Invite someone over for a meal
  22. throw kids in your neighborhood a pizza party

    What we ask is that you ask the person to pass it on...and that you share with us what you did.

    We do have cards and bookmarks that you can download and print that will share the love of Jesus and give them the gift of HOPE.


    Color Bookmark
    Black and White Bookmark
    Random Act of Kindness Card  Black & White
    Balloon Release Card Black & White

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