Friday, March 15, 2013

30 August 2012

Dear Madilyne,

Today momma picked up Turner and Grandma to take Turner to the dentist.  We have been to so many for him and each one is getting more and more expensive in the treatment that they feel he needs.

We do not want to neglect his care, but why is it costing so much money to care for teeth that will fall out.  We just need direction in what is the best thing to do for him.  It is sometimes so hard to be faithful with our money when it feels that everyone is demanding some of it and thus causes us to have nothing left to take care of our bills.  I know this is not anything that you need to worry about as a child, but you are feeling momma's stress and so I am writing about it to help me remember to lay everything at the feet of Jesus.

After talking with the dentist, I was heartbroken again at what they think that Turner needs done and feeling like I have failed him as a parent in caring well for his teeth.  I still do not know the right thing to do, but Daddy and I will talk about what we need to do and after we have you, we can plan the course of action for T.

We left the dentist and went to visit Bonnie and take her some food.  She ended up falling again and breaking her shoulder on the same side as her injured wrist.  She is having such a hard time that we just wanted to go and visit and encourage her.  Logan prays so much for them to come to know Christ, and I want to make sure that I do my part in sharing hope with her.  We had a nice visit and after we were done, we had a nice lunch with grandma.  Turner is going to stay the night again with her, because tomorrow morning we have to go in to the hospital for your c-section.  We are so excited to meet you.

Love you,


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