Monday, November 12, 2012


We have been so appreciative of all the people that have cared for us since we lost Madilyne.  I have tried to stay caught up to everyone that has loved on us, but I can say that I am falling behind.  I am struggling so much with getting them done because sometimes it is hard to write to people and say thank you due to why I am writing.  I am THANKFUL, but it makes me have to sit still and think about losing Madilyne all over again.

We have had an outpouring of Meals, we have had some quilts made for us, we have had flowers, we have had bookmarks, we have had pictures, we have had money, we have had jewelry, we have had time, we have had invitations to enjoy a meal at some one's home, and I am sure there is much much more.  Please know that we are VERY THANKFUL, and I do hope to get a card out to you at some point.

We thank God for all of you that have cared for us and continue to pray for us.  Thank you for allowing our life and our Daughter to touch you so deeply that you will give of yourself to serve us.

Please pass on our thankfulness to those you know that are praying or have given of themselves and have not received a card yet....


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