Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Celebrate Any Achievements


Last night we went out as a family to celebrate a milestone for our family.  It may seem like an odd milestone for some, but for us, it is great.

Since we had to say good-bye to Georgie and Bently being part of our family, Turner has not slept in his room much.  He just started to right before we had Madilyne, and then it started all over again.  It was hard for Daddy to let him sleep in there too, so we came up with a reward for sleeping in his own room if he would do it for one full week.

He completed the challenge and was able to ask one friend to go with to Chuck-E-Cheese.  It was a great time as a family. It was fun to see Turner having fun and see Simon's GIANT smile.

The days still have some really hard moments, so finding something to get excited about is a big deal these days and can sometimes be hard to find.

Right now, as I write this, I am still in my pajamas because today was just plain hard.  Turner and I decided it was a jammie day and we just chilled out and did what we wanted.  It was an interesting day, but once the tears stopped, we did enjoy just being.

We had so much prayer support today, and it was appreciated.  I just made a post about how hard it was, and we were be covered by many.  What a blessing to know that people are lifting us up and bearing our burdens with us.

“Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 ESV

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